Mack Hartley


I'm an Android developer with experience in backend development. I enjoy the fact that I have the power to create the systems that are later used by my applications. I also contribute frequently to open source libraries.

Android Developer

Below are some notable libraries or systems I am experienced with

  • Dagger Hilt
  • RxJava
  • MVVM
  • Koin
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • Google Firebase Libraries

I am also experienced with various other non Android related technologies such as SQL, Postgres, web languages, web hosting, and more.


Here's a quick glance at my journey as an Android developer.

Years of experience

Android apps released

Open source libraries created

Downloads per month of my open source libraries


Below are some of the highlights from my resume. If you would like to see a full copy of my resume please contact me about requesting one.


Bachelor Degree in Computer Science

2014 - 2018

Macalester College, St. Paul, MN

Graduated Magna Cum Laude and obtained a minor in Mathematics. During my time at Macalester I participated in our college hackathon each year except for the semester I was studying abroad in Hungary.

Professional Experience

Android Developer

2018 - Present

Rally Health, San Francisco, CA

  • Delivered key Android features for new releases
  • Service owner for edge service of mobile department of 40 engineers
  • Worked on backend projects and full stack Android features
  • Presented brown-bag meeting to engineering department on the role of edge services for mobile clients

Personal Projects

In my free time I like to pursue personal projects in topics that I am interested in. Many of these I end up open sourcing and some are even used by thousands of other developers. You can see some of these projects below.


An open source library for Android that lets developers create progress bars with rounded corners. This library is widely used and has approximately 1.1k downloads per month.


This open source library lets Android developers easily create backgrounds with repeating dashes or stripes.

2x2 Rubik's Cube Algorithm

A 2x2 Rubik's Cube solver that utilizes bidirectional breadth first search and 3d matrices.


A simple macro counting app for Android. Searches foods via the USDA Food Data base and the Open Foods Facts database. Stores data locally with RoomDB.

Todo App & Service

An Android app and Scala Play service. Open sourced in order to give other Android developers a reference on how to get started learning REST API development.

The Mac Weekly App (Android & iOS)

In my Senior year at Macalester College I organized a team of 7 students to the official Android and iOS app for the college newspaper.


If you would like to get in touch with me please reach out through my LinkedIn which you can find here.